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Use Case 15


Humans are fallible and will make mistakes when uploading assessments and associated data and metadata. Faculty need an easy way to correct mistakes in data and metadata. Question for development team: Mistakes in assessments and assessment items, and rubrics - will these be permanent?


  • An editing environment in the database exists.
  • Faculty have uploaded data and found an error.

Basic Course of Events

  • Faculty member has uploaded an assessment and relevant data and metadata.
  • S/he observes the data for student X are incorrect.
  • S/he observes there is an error in metadata - the number of students in the course is off by an order of magnitude.
  • S/he observes an error in the rubric for their assessment.
  • S/he observes an error in an assessment item (typo, poor wording, etc)
  • In all cases, the faculty member logs in to the database and corrects these errors.

For the database development team:

There are a number of different errors that could occur. Please help expand this list and pay attention to which errors faculty will be able to fix and which errors must stand.

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