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Difference between version 4 and version 1:

At line 11 added 1 line.
+ |Searching|Store saved searches for user|3||
At line 12 added 44 lines.
+ !DRAFT Functional Requirements (for online search interface)
+ The following requirements were gathered from the UseCases spreadsheet that our team has been circulating amongst it's members. There is quite a bit of overlap in terms of the functionality that is required to provide a solution for each question, but some of them do present additional programming requirements as noted below.
+ Q1
+ #Upload spreadsheets of question scores
+ #Upload spreadsheets of exam grades
+ #Upload spreadsheets of course grades
+ #Select questions from search results to use for downloading data
+ #Select assessments from search results to use for downloading data
+ #Select courses from search results to use for downloading data
+ Q2
+ #Upload demographic data (tabular format w/ each row as individual student assumed)
+ #Upload standardized test (ACT/SAT/AP) scores
+ Q3
+ #Upload clicker questions (same as assessmentItem import?)
+ Q4
+ #Upload spreadsheets containing number of attempts for each assessmentItem
+ Q6
+ #Search by Bloom's level (assessmentItem metadata search - likely part of a more generic requirement)
+ Q9
+ #Include Carnegie Classification (institution size, type) in assessment metadata
+ Q12
+ #Allow for content categorization that expresses is-not relationships for common misconceptions. (Evolution and intelligent design are related, but are not synonyms.)
+ Q13
+ #Search for assessments based on course size
+ Q14
+ #Search for metadata by course (rather than assessment)
+ #Search for student performance data by course (rather than assessment)
+ #Aggregate student performance data by course
+ OTHER (derived from looking at the use cases)
+ #Join/Merge assessment response data records (tabular) with metadata records (xml)
+ #Join/Merge assessment response data records (tabular) with student demographic records (tabular)
+ #Join/Merge assessment response data records (tabular) with student standardized test (ACT/SAT/AP) scores (tabular)

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