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Use Case

Question #Question TextAnalysisData SourcesHow user might query
1Have my course grades declined over the years?ANOVA of course grades, individual exam gradesFaculty uploaded spreadsheet with records of student grades for each yearLog-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing
2Why are my course grades declining? Are more students taking AP (bio) and placing out of this course?Relationship among ACT/SAT scores, AP bio scores, course gradesRegistrar demographic data: ACT/SAT scores, AP Bio scores; course grades; Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with records of student grades for each yearLog-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing
3Has the use of clickers improved student learning in my course?Correlation (regression) between clicker use, clicker score(s) and exam scoresRegistrar demographic data; Faculty uploaded exams, tagged by topic; Faculty uploaded clicker questions, tagged by topic; Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with: Annual records of student grades, Student grades on individual assessment items, Student grades or responses on individual clicker itemsLog-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing. Within courses, I will mark assessment items of interest (clicker questions on topic a, assessment questions on topic a)
4 What is the impact of multiple attempts at online homework on exam scores in my course?Correlation between number of tries and exam scores
Regression/partial regression using GPA or other control variables
Registrar demographic data
Registrar GPA data
Faculty uploaded exams, tagged by topic
Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with:
Student exam scores
Student grades on individual items
Log-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing
With-in each course, I will mark assessment items of interest (homework questions on topic a, assessment questions on topic a)
Demographic data
Exam questions on topic
Homework questions on topic
# attempts per homework problem per student
Exam scores
Individual student responses on exam, at assessment item level
5 How are my students performing on a particular topic?
Are they doing better on evolution this year (versus last year)?
Pre-test/post-test analysis
ANOVA of grades on specific assessment items
Registrar demographic data
Faculty uploaded assessments and rubric for each year, tagged by topic
Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with:
Student exam scores for each year, Student grades on individual assessment items for each year
Log-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing
Within each course, I will mark assessment items of interest
Demographic data
Exam questions on topic
Exam rubric
Student exam responses/scores on topic
Question order from exam (since easier questions often to come first)
6How are my students performing on questions that are of a higher Bloom’s level? Descriptive statistics on questions based on classifications – correlation
Cluster analysis (PCA) of outcomes based on classification, topic, and the interaction of those two
Registrar demographic data
Faculty uploaded assessments and rubric, tagged with Bloom’s data
Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with: Student exam scores for each year; Student grades on individual assessment items for each year
Log-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing
Within each course, I will mark assessment items of interest to me, based on Bloom’s levels
Demographic data
Exam questions
Bloom’s level for each assessment item
Student response data on each assessment item
Student scores on each assessment item
Rubric for each assessment item
7 Does a particular teaching innovation (i.e. Avida-ED) impact student learning of a particular topic (i.e. Evolution) in my course?Correlation between innovation and exam score (or score on particular assessment items on exam) over timeRegistrar demographic data
Faculty uploaded assessments and rubric for each year, tagged by topic
Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with: Student exam scores for each year; Student grades on individual assessment items for each year
Log-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing
Within each course, I will mark assessment items of interest to me, based on keywords or tags\Demographic data
Rubric for exam or assessment items
Student response data for exam or assessment items (at T0 and T1)
Student scores for exam or assessment items (at T0 and T1)
8Is there a difference in course grades between sections? (e.g. Different sections could be taught by different TAs, at different times, etc)Correlation between section and individual assessment (or assessment items)/course grades (or between TA and section grades)Registrar demographic data
Faculty uploaded assessments and rubric for each year, tagged by topic
Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with: Student exam scores; Student grades on individual assessment items
Log-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzingDemographic data
Exam scores from multiple sections
Individual assessment items from multiple sections
Student scores on individual assessment items from multiple sections
9How do my students compare with students from another school on topic x?Correlation between institution and grade on topic x.Registrar demographic data
Faculty uploaded assessments and rubrics, tagged by topic
Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with: Student exam scores; Student grades on individual assessment items
Metadata linking course to a particular type/sized institution
Log-in as myself, check off my courses that I am interested in analyzing
Select my assessment items from topic x
Search database for additional school to analyze that are similar in Carnegie categorization, similar in course size, all schools
Search these assessments for items on topic x
Demographic data
Individual assessment items on topic x.
Exam on topic x.
Student scores on individual assessment items and/or exam on topic x.
10 For accreditation, I would like to show that our students have learned y.Comparison of student performance at T0 and T1.Registrar demographic data
Faculty uploaded assessments and rubric, tagged with topic and Bloom’s data
Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with: Student exam scores for each year; Student grades on individual assessment items for each year
Log-in as myself, check off my courses that I am interested in analyzing
Select my assessment items from topic x
Demographic data
Assessments or assessment items on y.
Rubric for assessments or assessment items on y.
Student response data for assessments or assessment items.
Student scores for assessments or assessment items on y.
11 What levels of understanding are typically targeted by assessments in introductory (or upper) level biology courses at my institution/at institutions similar to mine/at all institutions?Proportion of lower-level Bloom’s items to higher-level Bloom’s items
Histogram of data
Faculty uploaded assessments, tagged by Bloom’s data
Metadata form tagging course level, institution information (size, type)
Search for all assessment items in courses at the 100-levelBloom’s data for individual assessment items in introductory courses at a particular institution(s)/across institutions
12 What misconceptions do students generally hold about topic d?Qualitative analysis of student responses and scores to parse out misconceptions Registrar demographic data
Faculty uploaded assessments tagged with topic and Bloom’s data
Search for all assessment items on topic dDemographic data
Assessment items on topic d (if multiple choice, must include the foils)
Rubric for assessment items on topic d
Student responses
Student scores
13 What is the impact of course size on the assessments used?Correlation between course size and Bloom’s taxonomy level Registrar demographic data
Faculty uploaded assessments tagged with topic and Bloom’s data
Metadata form indicating course size
Search for courses of a particular sizeDemographic data
Course size
Institution size or Carnegie Classification
Majors or non-majors course
Bloom’s taxonomy level
14 Are low performers in my course also struggling in other courses?Correlation between course grade or individual assessment grade and university GPA, major GPA Registrar demographic data
Registrar GPA data
Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with student course grades
Log-in as myself, check off my courses that I am interested in analyzing Demographic data
Course or assessment grades by students
University GPA
Major GPA

?How reliable is my exam question taxonomy?

The following use cases and database requirements come from weekly meetings of the Database Development Team.
Meeting DateUse Case DescriptionDecision Made?dBase as Test BankUser training/
Content metadataCourse MetadataQuery relatedSystem Requirement
June 19, 2007
I would like to consolidate and archive my data and metadata.n/a xx
April 13, 2007
September 18, 2007
I would like to tag these assessments with my own Blooms datayes - will support x
April 13, 2007
September 18, 2007
I would like to code these assessments according to my own taxonomyyes - will support x
May 18, 2007
September 18, 2007
I would like to add concept categories to this assessmentyes - will support X
April 13, 2007I would like to know the answers and point values for this assessment item (or items)yes - will supportx x
May 22, 2007I would like to upload my detailed rubric for this assessment.yes - will supportx x
April 13, 2007
June 19, 2007
I would like to know the grading rubric for this assessment item (or items)n/ax x
May 18, 2007
June 19, 2007
I would like to find assessment items that address a particular misconception x x
June 19, 2007What is the learning objective associated with this assessment item?pendingx xx
May 18, 2007
October 9, 2007
I would like to upload my non-MC exams and student responses.
Student responses are a scanned image -or- electronic.
outside the current scope
April 13, 2007
May 4, 2007
Identifying information of students, faculty and universities must be removedyes - will support x
April 13, 2007I would like to import data directly from my course management software (e.g. Angel, Blackboard, WebCT, etc)outside current scope x
May 4, 2007I would like to import student response data directly from my excel workbookyes - will support x
April 13, 2007
September 18, 2007
There must be a minimum level of data/metadata included for a submission to be accepted into the databaseneed to define minimum metadata standards x
May 18, 2007What areas or concepts in biology/chemistry/physics are students having difficulty with?n/a x x
May 18, 2007How did students do on all questions of a given topic?
-within a class
-within a course
-within an institution
-across the database
n/a xxx
May 18, 2007How did students do on a question that required a certain level of thinking?n/a x x
May 18, 2007I would like to find those questions on topic X where students did particularly well or poorly (depending on my own criteria of good and bad)n/a x x
May 18, 2007Compare performance of two (or more) groups of students on an item or set of items
-over time (this year versus last year)
-gender or ethnic background
-majors or non-majors
yes - will support xxx
May 18, 2007Find questions based on format (clicker, mc, short answer, etc)pending?x x x
May 18, 2007Find questions that include a particular format element (i.e. graph, particular model or image, etc).outside current scope
June 12, 2007I would like to query across data levels (i.e. query for particular assessment items at an institution over time and coursesyes - will support xxx
June 19, 2007I would like demographic data returned.yes - will support x
June 19, 2007I would like to see what concepts are considered difficult across disciplines. Are we going to compute dynamic meta data such as the difficulty of an item that would change based on the data from the students? Difficulty and other performance metrics should be dynamic, rather than asking faculty to upload them.pending - will we provide simple analysis?x x x
July 3, 2007
November 6, 2007
I have additional data/metadata I would like to upload. -or- I made a mistake. Where can I do that?n/axxxx
July 3, 2007Assessment items will be tagged according to an ontology, not by categories.yesx x x
July 31, 2007I would like to upload my scientific reasoning instrument.
Questions do not fit a discipline-based ontology
This instrument is administered at multiple institutions.
yesxxx x
August 30, 2007Each student, class, course, institution, faculty member must have a unique identifier.yes - will support xx
August 30, 2007Faculty members must be able to indicate pages on an exam that are blank, devoted to a figure, picture or formulayes - completed? x
August 30, 2007Who can access the database? (registered users, anyone? What level of data is returned?)pendingxx
August 30, 2007The database must handle multiple instructors for a class -and- visiting instructors (i.e. faculty who are not officially on staff at an institution)no xx
September 11, 2007Database must deal with multiple sections of a single course.yes xx
October 9, 2007Data is returned completely anonymized/partially anonymized/not anonymized.pending x x
October 9, 2007I would like to track a cohort of students over time.yes - will support xx
November 6, 2007Demographic data will be stored with individual assessments. Students will not have global identifiers.pending - in contrast to immediate question above xx
November 6, 2007Query returns must be constrained so as not to return a limited dataset that could result in the identification of a student.yes - will support xx
November 6, 2007I would like to find assessment items tagged as 'good' - search quality tags by a professional society.yes - will supportx x x
November 6, 2007I have no idea how to classify my assessment x
November 27, 2007User will be able to search nbii thesaurus and with a mouse click, add that concept tag to their assessment item(s).yes?x x
November 27, 2007Database will use the NBII Biocomplexity thesaurus as the Biology ontology.yesx x
November 27, 2007Ontology for a discipline must not be rigid - additions must be possible.yes?x x x
December 4, 2007I would like data returned in a simple, rectangular format.pending x
December 4, 2007I would like data returned in some other format (what might those be?)pending x
December 4, 2007I would like to query all R1 institutions, based on the Carnegie classification system.pending x
December 4, 2007I would like a simple analysis of change over time returned with the data.pending xx
December 4, 2007I would like my search history saved. Are we saving the query syntax or are we expecting to be able to reproduce the exact dataset? Can probably reproduce the dataset if the date that the data were uploaded is stored in the database and can be made part of the query.pending xx
December 4, 2007I would like the details of my query returned with the results.pending x
January 10, 2008Instead of answering a litany of questions, I will upload my course syllabus.pending x x
January 10, 2008I would like my syllabus to be anonymized when uploaded.pending x
KBSI would like to filter out low-level Bloom questions, multiple choice questions, essay questions, etc.pending x x
KBSI would like to find other faculty who are similar to me in teaching approach/assessment items/Bloom's level/etc.pending xxx
KBSI would like to upload a published assessment (e.g. Concept Inventory).pendingxxx
KBSDatabase must store unconventional assessments (models, pictures, diagrams, etc).yes - will supportx x
KBSAll data or a standard subset of data and metadata should be reported for each assessment item.minimum metadata - pending xx
PurdueI am an administrator and would like to use the database.pending
PurdueAdministrator: would like to compare faculty based on:
-student scores
-average Bloom level per exam
-average number of students taught a semester
-course level taught
February 4, 2008
Administrator would like to show their program has met specific accreditation standards.n/a xxx
February 4, 2008
Must be able to use different content metadata by discipline. While we can use the NBII thesaurus for biology, we need to have an API that can be used to define other metadata for other disciplines.yes - will support x x
February 4, 2008How will assessment items be returned? Will users pick out one question at a time, or will they check off those questions they are interested in downloading? What format will questions be returned - xml, QTI, etc?pendingx x

How will users query?
  • Assessment item (individual question)
  • Student responses
    • On individual items
    • On a group of items (i.e. an exam or user-defined number of questions)
  • Concept category

Functional requirements (based on use cases) can be found on the Functional_requirements page

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This particular version was published on 06-Feb-2008 11:16:11 PST by uid=momsenj,o=MSU.