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Use Case

Question #Question TextAnalysisData SourcesHow user might query
1Have my course grades declined over the years?ANOVA of course grades, individual exam gradesFaculty uploaded spreadsheet with records of student grades for each yearLog-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing
2Why are my course grades declining? Are more students taking AP (bio) and placing out of this course?Relationship among ACT/SAT scores, AP bio scores, course gradesRegistrar demographic data: ACT/SAT scores, AP Bio scores; course grades; Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with records of student grades for each yearLog-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing
3Has the use of clickers improved student learning in my course?Correlation (regression) between clicker use, clicker score(s) and exam scoresRegistrar demographic data; Faculty uploaded exams, tagged by topic; Faculty uploaded clicker questions, tagged by topic; Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with: Annual records of student grades, Student grades on individual assessment items, Student grades or responses on individual clicker itemsLog-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing. Within courses, I will mark assessment items of interest (clicker questions on topic a, assessment questions on topic a)

The following use cases and database requirements come from weekly meetings of the Database Development Team.

Meeting DateUse Case Description
June 19, 2007I would like to consolidate and archive my data and metadata.
April 13, 2007
September 18, 2007
I would like to tag these assessments with my own Blooms data
April 13, 2007
September 18, 2007
I would like to code these assessments according to my own taxonomy
May 18, 2007
September 18, 2007
I would like to add concept categories to this assessment
April 13, 2007I would like to know the answers and point values for this assessment item (or items)
April 13, 2007
June 19, 2007
I would like to know the grading rubric for this assessment item (or items)
May 18, 2007
June 19, 2007
I would like to find assessment items that address a particular misconception
June 19, 2007What is the learning objective associated with this assessment item?
May 18, 2007I would like to upload my non-MC exams and student responses.
Student responses are a scanned image -or- electronic.
April 13, 2007
May 4, 2007
Identifying information of students, faculty and universities must be removed
April 13, 2007I would like to import data directly from my course management software (e.g. Angel, Blackboard, WebCT, etc)
May 4, 2007I would like to import student response data directly from my excel workbook
April 13, 2007
September 18, 2007
There must be a minimum level of data/metadata included for a submission to be accepted into the database
May 18, 2007What areas or concepts in biology/chemistry/physics are students having difficulty with?
May 18, 2007How did students do on all questions of a given topic?
-within a class
-within a course
-within an institution
-across the database
May 18, 2007How did students do on a question that required a certain level of thinking?
May 18, 2007I would like to find those questions on topic X where students did particularly well or poorly (depending on my own criteria of good and bad)
May 18, 2007Compare performance of two (or more) groups of students on an item or set of items
-over time (this year versus last year)
-gender or ethnic background
-majors or non-majors
May 18, 2007Find questions based on format (clicker, mc, short answer, etc)
May 18, 2007Find questions that include a particular format element (i.e. graph, particular model or image, etc).
June 12, 2007I would like to query across data levels (i.e. query for particular assessment items at an institution
June 19, 2007I would like demographic data returned
June 19, 2007I would like to see what concepts are considered difficult across disciplines
July 3, 2007I have additional data/metadata I would like to upload - where can I do that?
July 3, 2007Assessment items will be tagged according to an ontology, not by categories.
July 31, 2007I would like to upload my scientific reasoning instrument.
Questions do not fit a discipline-based ontology
This instrument is administered at multiple institutions.
August 30, 2007Each student, class, course, institution, faculty member must have a unique identifier
August 30, 2007Faculty members must be able to indicate pages on an exam that are blank, devoted to a figure, picture or formula
August 30, 2007Who can access the database? (registered users, anyone? What level of data is returned?)
August 30, 2007The database must handle multiple instructors for a class -and- visiting instructors (i.e. faculty who are not officially on staff at an institution)
September 11, 2007Database must deal with multiple sections of a single course.

Functional requirements (based on use cases) can be found on the Functional_requirements page

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This particular version was published on 30-Jan-2008 06:50:42 PST by uid=momsenj,o=MSU.