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Question # | Question Text | Analysis | Data Sources | How user might query |
1 | Have my course grades declined over the years? | ANOVA of course grades, individual exam grades | Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with records of student grades for each year | Log-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing |
2 | Why are my course grades declining? Are more students taking AP (bio) and placing out of this course? | Relationship among ACT/SAT scores, AP bio scores, course grades | Registrar demographic data: ACT/SAT scores, AP Bio scores; course grades; Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with records of student grades for each year | Log-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing |
3 | Has the use of clickers improved student learning in my course? | Correlation (regression) between clicker use, clicker score(s) and exam scores | Registrar demographic data; Faculty uploaded exams, tagged by topic; Faculty uploaded clicker questions, tagged by topic; Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with: Annual records of student grades, Student grades on individual assessment items, Student grades or responses on individual clicker items | Log-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing. Within courses, I will mark assessment items of interest (clicker questions on topic a, assessment questions on topic a) |