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Use Case 8

Difference between current version and version 1:

Line 4 was replaced by line 4
- *Minimum metadata standards will be enforced when a faculty member chooses to make their data 'public.' Private data must meet no metadata standards since this data is not search-able or viewable by other users of the database.
+ *There will be two sets of minimum metadata: the absolute minimum metadata is required to upload to the database under 'private' conditions; the second minimum takes effect when a user wishes to make their data public.
At line 14 added 21 lines.
+ *Absolute Minimum Metadata:
+ **Institution name -- related to security issues, this information can be obscured (by whom? The user of the database?)
+ **Instructor name -- related to security issues, this information can be obscured (by whom? The user or the database?)
+ **Course number
+ **Section number
+ **Year
+ **Semester or term
+ **Assessment name
+ *Additional Minimum Metadata for the Public Portion of the Database:
+ **Course name
+ **Course contact hours
+ **Discipline
+ **Type of course
+ **Types of students
+ **Is this a teacher education class?
+ **Number of enrolled students
+ **Course categorization
+ **Was this assessment part of a published or otherwise copyrighted resource?
+ **Assign a specific concept to each assessment item

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