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Use Case 3

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+ !Summary
+ *Assessment items will be tagged in multiple ways:
+ **By an ontology (a hierarchical, disciplinary based scheme)
+ **Bloom's data
+ **Learning objective
+ **Professional society stamp of approval (private taxonomy - not available to all users of the database)
+ **A personal taxonomy, created by a faculty member
+ !Preconditions
+ *Assessment items have been uploaded and are available for tagging
+ *Tagging schema that are commonly used are readily available and easy to use within the database (i.e., it's simple and straightforward to tag an assessment item with a Bloom's level)
+ !Basic course of events
+ *Faculty member uploads an assessment
+ *Faculty tags each item on the assessment according to one or more tagging schemes
+ *Faculty member is conducting research
+ *In the course of searching the database, this faculty member tags a number of assessment items according to their personal taxonomy
+ *Faculty member is conducting research
+ *Faculty member re-tags a number of assessment items with a new Bloom's level (each assessment item had previously been tagged with a Bloom's level)

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