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This is version 6. It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited.
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IssuePossible ResolutionWithin the scope of this funding round?
Many institutions will not allow faculty to upload data without IRB training and reviewInstitutional IRB review of database that would give a blanket green light to faculty to upload dataUnsure
Anonymizing student identifiersHashing student identifiers during upload
Return all queries with anonymous data
There must be the ability to link student data in one course to other courses and to demographic data
Data will be linked at the time of query -- there will be no way to link data among multiple queries
Mistakes or mismatches in uploaded data from Time 1 to Time 2Show unhashed information to uploading faculty member and allow for correctionsUnsure
Uploading files of student work and maintaining anonynmity No
Institutional authorization for faculty use (models of distribution) No
Data SecurityFederated model
Data accessMultiple levels of access?
Human mediated access to identifiable data
Institution anonymityAnonymize institutions; further access would require a third party to contact the original data submitterNo
Instructor anonymityAnonymize instructur; further access would require a third party to contact the original data submitterNo

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This particular version was published on 13-Feb-2008 07:39:02 PST by uid=momsenj,o=MSU.