Difference between
version 83
version 82:
Line 36 was replaced by line 36 |
- |February 7m 2008|Faculty who upload must agree that any identifying information on student responses has been removed|yes - will support -- how?| | | | | |x|Must |
+ |February 7, 2008|Faculty who upload must agree that any identifying information on student responses has been removed|yes - will support -- how?| | | | | |x|Must |
Line 40 was replaced by line 40 |
- |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007|There must be a minimum level of data/metadata included for a submission to be accepted into the database|need to define minimum metadata standards| | | | | |x|Must |
+ |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007\\KBS|There must be a minimum level of data/metadata included for a submission to be accepted into the database|Must define minimum metadata standards| | | | | |x|Must |
Removed line 77 |
- |KBS|All data or a standard subset of data and metadata should be reported for each assessment item.|minimum metadata - pending| | | | |x|x|Must |
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