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Difference between version 82 and version 81:

Line 1 was replaced by line 1
- !Use Case
+ !!Use Case
At line 2 added 1 line.
+ !Research Questions
At line 17 added 6 lines.
+ |15|How reliable is my exam question taxonomy?|
+ |May 18, 2007|What areas or concepts in biology/chemistry/physics are students having difficulty with?
+ |May 18, 2007|How did students do on all questions of a given topic?\\-within a class\\-within a course\\-within an institution\\-across the database
+ |May 18, 2007|How did students do on a question that required a certain level of thinking?
+ |May 18, 2007|I would like to find those questions on topic X where students did particularly well or poorly (depending on my own criteria of good and bad)
+ |May 18, 2007|Compare performance of two (or more) groups of students on an item or set of items\\-over time (this year versus last year)\\-gender or ethnic background\\-majors or non-majors|yes - will support
Removed lines 19-21
- |?|How reliable is my exam question taxonomy?|
Removed lines 37-41
- |May 18, 2007|What areas or concepts in biology/chemistry/physics are students having difficulty with?|n/a| | |x| |x| |Must
- |May 18, 2007|How did students do on all questions of a given topic?\\-within a class\\-within a course\\-within an institution\\-across the database|n/a| | |x|x|x| |Must
- |May 18, 2007|How did students do on a question that required a certain level of thinking?|n/a| | |x| |x| |Must
- |May 18, 2007|I would like to find those questions on topic X where students did particularly well or poorly (depending on my own criteria of good and bad)|n/a| | |x| |x| |Must
- |May 18, 2007|Compare performance of two (or more) groups of students on an item or set of items\\-over time (this year versus last year)\\-gender or ethnic background\\-majors or non-majors|yes - will support| | |x|x|x| |Must
Line 47 was replaced by line 46
- |July 3, 2007\\November 6, 2007|I have additional data/metadata I would like to upload. -or- I made a mistake. Where can I do that?|n/a|x|x|x|x| | |Nice
+ |July 3, 2007\\November 6, 2007|I have additional data/metadata I would like to upload. -or- I made a mistake. Where can I do that?|n/a|x|x|x|x| | |Must
Line 52 was replaced by line 51
- |August 30, 2007|Who can access the database? (registered users, anyone? What level of data is returned?)|pending|x|x| | | | |Should
+ |August 30, 2007|Who can access the database? -- One solution: Two levels of data: Personal data (visible only to the individual who uploaded) and Public (visible to everyone)|pending|x|x| | | | |Should
Line 64 was replaced by line 63
- |December 4, 2007|I would like data returned in a simple, rectangular format.|pending| | | | | |x|Must
+ |December 4, 2007|I would like data returned in a simple, rectangular format.|yes - will support| | | | | |x|Must

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