Ecoinformatics site parent site of Partnership for Biodiversity Informatics site parent site of FIRST - Home





Difference between version 8 and version 7:

Removed lines 1-4
- !Use cases
- This list will likely grow as the project progresses. Where applicable, reference has been made to [our bugzilla|] entries.
- Importance rankings should be on a 3 point scale: 1=MUST, 2=SHOULD, 3=NICE
- \\
Removed lines 6-12
- ||Category||Use case||Importance||Bugzilla
- |Data download|[Download single assessment response dataset with selected metadata|UsecaseDownloadSingleAssessment]|1||
- |Data download|Download multiple assessment response datasets with selected metadata|1||
- |Classification|[Classify assessment items using a constrained vocabulary|UsecaseClassifyAssessmentItems]|1||
- |Classification|[Tag assessments and assessment items with user-defined keywords|UsecaseTaggingAssessmentItems]|1||
- |Classification|Annotate specific metadata fields in assessments and assessment items|1||

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