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Difference between version 66 and version 65:

Lines 25-33 were replaced by lines 25-33
- |June 19, 2007\\KBS|I would like to consolidate and archive my data and metadata.|n/a| | | | |
- |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to tag these assessments with my own Blooms data|yes - we will support| | |X| |
- |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to code these assessments according to my own taxonomy|yes - we will support| | |X| |
- |May 18, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to add concept categories to this assessment|yes - we will support| | |X| |
- |April 13, 2007|I would like to know the answers and point values for this assessment item (or items)|yes - we will support|x| |x| |
- |May 22, 2007|I would like to upload my detailed rubric for this assessment.| |x| |x| |
- |April 13, 2007\\June 19, 2007|I would like to know the grading rubric for this assessment item (or items)| |x| |x| |
- |May 18, 2007\\June 19, 2007|I would like to find assessment items that address a particular misconception| |x| |x|x| |
- |June 19, 2007|What is the learning objective associated with this assessment item?| |x| |x|
+ |June 19, 2007\\KBS|I would like to consolidate and archive my data and metadata.|n/a| | |x|x|
+ |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to tag these assessments with my own Blooms data|yes - will support| | |x| |
+ |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to code these assessments according to my own taxonomy|yes - will support| | |x| | |
+ |May 18, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to add concept categories to this assessment|yes - will support| | |X| | | |
+ |April 13, 2007|I would like to know the answers and point values for this assessment item (or items)|yes - will support|x| |x| | |
+ |May 22, 2007|I would like to upload my detailed rubric for this assessment.|yes - will support|x| |x| | |
+ |April 13, 2007\\June 19, 2007|I would like to know the grading rubric for this assessment item (or items)|n/a|x| |x| |
+ |May 18, 2007\\June 19, 2007|I would like to find assessment items that address a particular misconception| |x| |x| | |
+ |June 19, 2007|What is the learning objective associated with this assessment item?|pending|x| |x|x| |
Lines 35-44 were replaced by lines 35-44
- |April 13, 2007\\May 4, 2007|Identifying information of students, faculty and universities must be removed|yes - we will support| | |x| |
- |April 13, 2007|I would like to import data directly from my course management software (e.g. Angel, Blackboard, WebCT, etc)|outside current scope| | | | |x
- |May 4, 2007|I would like to import student response data directly from my excel workbook|yes - will support| | | | |x
- |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007|There must be a minimum level of data/metadata included for a submission to be accepted into the database|need to define minimum metadata standards| | | | |x
- |May 18, 2007|What areas or concepts in biology/chemistry/physics are students having difficulty with?|n/a| | | | |
- |May 18, 2007|How did students do on all questions of a given topic?\\-within a class\\-within a course\\-within an institution\\-across the database|n/a| | |x|x|
- |May 18, 2007|How did students do on a question that required a certain level of thinking?|n/a| | |x|x|
- |May 18, 2007|I would like to find those questions on topic X where students did particularly well or poorly (depending on my own criteria of good and bad)|n/a| | | |x|
- |May 18, 2007|Compare performance of two (or more) groups of students on an item or set of items\\-over time (this year versus last year)\\-gender or ethnic background\\-majors or non-majors|yes - will support|x| |x|x|
- |May 18, 2007|Find questions based on format (clicker, mc, short answer, etc)|pending?|x| |x|x|
+ |April 13, 2007\\May 4, 2007|Identifying information of students, faculty and universities must be removed|yes - will support| | | |x| |
+ |April 13, 2007|I would like to import data directly from my course management software (e.g. Angel, Blackboard, WebCT, etc)|outside current scope| | | | | |x
+ |May 4, 2007|I would like to import student response data directly from my excel workbook|yes - will support| | | | | |x
+ |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007|There must be a minimum level of data/metadata included for a submission to be accepted into the database|need to define minimum metadata standards| | | | | |x
+ |May 18, 2007|What areas or concepts in biology/chemistry/physics are students having difficulty with?|n/a| | |x| |x|
+ |May 18, 2007|How did students do on all questions of a given topic?\\-within a class\\-within a course\\-within an institution\\-across the database|n/a| | |x|x|x|
+ |May 18, 2007|How did students do on a question that required a certain level of thinking?|n/a| | |x| |x|
+ |May 18, 2007|I would like to find those questions on topic X where students did particularly well or poorly (depending on my own criteria of good and bad)|n/a| | |x| |x|
+ |May 18, 2007|Compare performance of two (or more) groups of students on an item or set of items\\-over time (this year versus last year)\\-gender or ethnic background\\-majors or non-majors|yes - will support| | |x|x|x|
+ |May 18, 2007|Find questions based on format (clicker, mc, short answer, etc)|pending?|x| |x| |x|
Lines 46-47 were replaced by lines 46-47
- |June 12, 2007|I would like to query across data levels (i.e. query for particular assessment items at an institution over time and courses|yes - will support| | |x|x|
- |June 19, 2007|I would like demographic data returned.|yes - will support| | | | |
+ |June 12, 2007|I would like to query across data levels (i.e. query for particular assessment items at an institution over time and courses|yes - will support| | |x|x|x|
+ |June 19, 2007|I would like demographic data returned.|yes - will support| | | |x| |

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