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Difference between version 64 and version 63:

Lines 47-56 were replaced by lines 47-56
- |June 19, 2007|I would like demographic data returned.|yes - will support| | |
- |June 19, 2007|I would like to see what concepts are considered difficult across disciplines. Are we going to compute dynamic meta data such as the difficulty of an item that would change based on the data from the students? Difficulty and other performance metrics should be dynamic, rather than asking faculty to upload them.
- |July 3, 2007|I have additional data/metadata I would like to upload - where can I do that?
- |July 3, 2007|Assessment items will be tagged according to an ontology, not by categories.
- |July 31, 2007|I would like to upload my scientific reasoning instrument.\\Questions do not fit a discipline-based ontology\\This instrument is administered at multiple institutions.
- |August 30, 2007|Each student, class, course, institution, faculty member must have a unique identifier
- |August 30, 2007|Faculty members must be able to indicate pages on an exam that are blank, devoted to a figure, picture or formula
- |August 30, 2007|Who can access the database? (registered users, anyone? What level of data is returned?)
- |August 30, 2007|The database must handle multiple instructors for a class -and- visiting instructors (i.e. faculty who are not officially on staff at an institution)
- |September 11, 2007|Database must deal with multiple sections of a single course.
+ |June 19, 2007|I would like demographic data returned.|yes - will support| | | | |
+ |June 19, 2007|I would like to see what concepts are considered difficult across disciplines. Are we going to compute dynamic meta data such as the difficulty of an item that would change based on the data from the students? Difficulty and other performance metrics should be dynamic, rather than asking faculty to upload them.|pending| | |x| ??analysis
+ |July 3, 2007|I have additional data/metadata I would like to upload - where can I do that?|n/a|x|x|x| |
+ |July 3, 2007|Assessment items will be tagged according to an ontology, not by categories.|yes|x| |x|x|
+ |July 31, 2007|I would like to upload my scientific reasoning instrument.\\Questions do not fit a discipline-based ontology\\This instrument is administered at multiple institutions.|yes|x|x|x|x|
+ |August 30, 2007|Each student, class, course, institution, faculty member must have a unique identifier.|yes - will support| | | |x|x
+ |August 30, 2007|Faculty members must be able to indicate pages on an exam that are blank, devoted to a figure, picture or formula|yes - completed?| | | | |x
+ |August 30, 2007|Who can access the database? (registered users, anyone? What level of data is returned?)|pending|x|x| | |
+ |August 30, 2007|The database must handle multiple instructors for a class -and- visiting instructors (i.e. faculty who are not officially on staff at an institution)|no| | |x|x|
+ |September 11, 2007|Database must deal with multiple sections of a single course.|yes| |

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