Lines 24-29 were replaced by lines 24-29 |
- ||Meeting Date||Use Case Description||Decision Made?||dBase as Test Bank||User training/\\documentation||Content metadata||Query related |
- |June 19, 2007\\KBS|I would like to consolidate and archive my data and metadata.|n/a| | | | |
- |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to tag these assessments with my own Blooms data|yes - we will support| | |X| |
- |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to code these assessments according to my own taxonomy|yes - we will support| | |X| |
- |May 18, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to add concept categories to this assessment|yes - we will support| | |X| |
- |April 13, 2007|I would like to know the answers and point values for this assessment item (or items)|yes - we will support|x| |x| |
+ ||Meeting Date||Use Case Description||Decision Made?||dBase as Test Bank||User training/\\documentation||Content metadata||Query related||System Requirement |
+ |June 19, 2007\\KBS|I would like to consolidate and archive my data and metadata.|n/a| | | | | |
+ |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to tag these assessments with my own Blooms data|yes - we will support| | |X| | |
+ |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to code these assessments according to my own taxonomy|yes - we will support| | |X| | |
+ |May 18, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to add concept categories to this assessment|yes - we will support| | |X| | |
+ |April 13, 2007|I would like to know the answers and point values for this assessment item (or items)|yes - we will support|x| |x| | |
Lines 31-32 were replaced by lines 31-32 |
- |April 13, 2007\\June 19, 2007|I would like to know the grading rubric for this assessment item (or items)| |x| |x| | |
- |May 18, 2007\\June 19, 2007|I would like to find assessment items that address a particular misconception| |x| |x|x |
+ |April 13, 2007\\June 19, 2007|I would like to know the grading rubric for this assessment item (or items)| |x| |x| | | |
+ |May 18, 2007\\June 19, 2007|I would like to find assessment items that address a particular misconception| |x| |x|x| |
Lines 34-37 were replaced by lines 34-37 |
- |May 18, 2007|I would like to upload my non-MC exams and student responses.\\Student responses are a scanned image -or- electronic. |
- |April 13, 2007\\May 4, 2007|Identifying information of students, faculty and universities must be removed |
- |April 13, 2007|I would like to import data directly from my course management software (e.g. Angel, Blackboard, WebCT, etc) |
- |May 4, 2007|I would like to import student response data directly from my excel workbook |
+ |May 18, 2007|I would like to upload my non-MC exams and student responses.\\Student responses are a scanned image -or- electronic.|outside the current scope| | | | | |
+ |April 13, 2007\\May 4, 2007|Identifying information of students, faculty and universities must be removed|yes - we will support| | |x| | |
+ |April 13, 2007|I would like to import data directly from my course management software (e.g. Angel, Blackboard, WebCT, etc)|outside current scope| | | | |x |
+ |May 4, 2007|I would like to import student response data directly from my excel workbook|yes - will support| | | | |x |