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Difference between version 55 and version 54:

Line 83 was replaced by lines 83-84
- |MU-L|Content metadata: must be able to use different content metadata by discipline. While we can use the NBII thesaurus for biology, we need to have an API that can be used to define other metadata for other disciplines.
+ |February 4, 2008\\MU-L|Content metadata: must be able to use different content metadata by discipline. While we can use the NBII thesaurus for biology, we need to have an API that can be used to define other metadata for other disciplines.
+ |February 4, 2008|How will assessment items be returned? Will users pick out one question at a time, or will they check off those questions they are interested in downloading? What format will questions be returned - xml, QTI, etc?| |x|

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