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Difference between version 47 and version 46:

Lines 16-17 were replaced by line 16
- |13| What is the impact of course size on the assessments used?|Correlation between course size and Bloom’s taxonomy level| Registrar demographic data\\Faculty uploaded assessments tagged with topic and Bloom’s data\\Metadata form indicating course size|Search for courses of a particular size| Demographic data\\Course size\\Institution size or Carnegie Classification\\
- Majors or non-majors course\\Bloom’s taxonomy level
+ |13| What is the impact of course size on the assessments used?|Correlation between course size and Bloom’s taxonomy level| Registrar demographic data\\Faculty uploaded assessments tagged with topic and Bloom’s data\\Metadata form indicating course size|Search for courses of a particular size|Demographic data\\Course size\\Institution size or Carnegie Classification\\Majors or non-majors course\\Bloom’s taxonomy level

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