Difference between
version 33
version 32:
Line 13 was replaced by line 13 |
- |June 19, 2007|I would like to consolidate and archive my data and metadata. |
+ |June 19, 2007\\KBS|I would like to consolidate and archive my data and metadata. |
Line 60 was replaced by lines 60-69 |
- |December 4,2 007|I would like the details of my query returned with the results. |
+ |December 4, 2007|I would like the details of my query returned with the results. |
+ |January 10, 2008|Instead of answering a litany of questions, I will upload my course syllabus. |
+ |January 10, 2008|I would like my syllabus to be anonymized when uploaded. |
+ |KBS|I would like to filter out low-level Bloom questions, multiple choice questions, essay questions, etc. |
+ |KBS|I would like to find other faculty who are similar to me in teaching approach/assessment items/Bloom's level/etc |
+ |KBS|I would like to upload a published assessment (e.g. Concept Inventory) |
+ |KBS|Database must store unconventional assessments (models, pictures, diagrams, etc). |
+ |KBS|All data or a standard subset of data and metadata should be reported for each assessment item. |
+ |Purdue|I am an administrator and would like to use the database. |
+ |Purdue|Administrator: would like to compare new faculty with tenured faculty based on:\\-student scores\\-average Bloom level per exam\\-average number of students taught a semester\\-course level taught |
Removed lines 65-66 |
- |
- |
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