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Difference between version 30 and version 29:

At line 7 added 1 line.
+ |?|How reliable is my exam question taxonomy?|
At line 8 added 1 line.
At line 41 added 6 lines.
+ |October 9, 2007|Data is returned completely anonymized/partially anonymized/not anonymized.
+ |October 9, 2007|I would like to track a cohort of students over time.
+ |October 9, 2007|I would like to upload student response data, but some answers contain identifying information.
+ |November 6, 2007|Demographic data will be stored with individual assessments. Students will not have global identifiers.
+ |November 6, 2007|Query returns must be constrained so as not to return a limited dataset that could result in the identification of a student.

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