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Difference between version 29 and version 28:

Lines 12-14 were replaced by lines 12-14
- |April 13, 2007|I would like to tag these assessments with my own Blooms data
- |April 13, 2007|I would like to code these assessments according to my own taxonomy
- |May 18, 2007|I would like to add concept categories to this assessment
+ |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to tag these assessments with my own Blooms data
+ |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to code these assessments according to my own taxonomy
+ |May 18, 2007\\September 18, 2007|I would like to add concept categories to this assessment
Line 23 was replaced by line 23
- |April 13, 2007|There must be a minimum level of data/metadata included for a submission to be accepted into the database
+ |April 13, 2007\\September 18, 2007|There must be a minimum level of data/metadata included for a submission to be accepted into the database
Line 37 was replaced by lines 37-41
- |
+ |August 30, 2007|Each student, class, course, institution, faculty member must have a unique identifier
+ |August 30, 2007|Faculty members must be able to indicate pages on an exam that are blank, devoted to a figure, picture or formula
+ |August 30, 2007|Who can access the database? (registered users, anyone? What level of data is returned?)
+ |August 30, 2007|The database must handle multiple instructors for a class -and- visiting instructors (i.e. faculty who are not officially on staff at an institution)
+ |September 11, 2007|Database must deal with multiple sections of a single course.

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