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Difference between version 28 and version 27:

At line 10 added 1 line.
+ |June 19, 2007|I would like to consolidate and archive my data and metadata.
Lines 15-16 were replaced by lines 16-18
- |April 13, 2007|I would like to know the grading rubric for this assessment item (or items)
- |May 18, 2007|I would like to find assessment items that address a particular misconception
+ |April 13, 2007\\June 19, 2007|I would like to know the grading rubric for this assessment item (or items)
+ |May 18, 2007\\June 19, 2007|I would like to find assessment items that address a particular misconception
+ |June 19, 2007|What is the learning objective associated with this assessment item?
At line 31 added 4 lines.
+ |July 3, 2007|I have additional data/metadata I would like to upload - where can I do that?
+ |July 3, 2007|Assessment items will be tagged according to an ontology, not by categories.
+ |July 31, 2007|I would like to upload my scientific reasoning instrument.\\Questions do not fit a discipline-based ontology\\This instrument is administered at multiple institutions.
+ |
Removed lines 36-39

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