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Difference between version 15 and version 14:

Line 5 was replaced by line 5
- |2|Why are my course grades declining? Are more students taking AP (bio) and placing out of this course?|Relationship among ACT/SAT scores, AP bio scores, course grades|Registrar demographic data: ACT/SAT scores, AP Bio scores; course grades; Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with records of student grades for each year|Log-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing
+ |2|[Why are my course grades declining? Are more students taking AP (bio) and placing out of this course?|UseCase2]|Relationship among ACT/SAT scores, AP bio scores, course grades|Registrar demographic data: ACT/SAT scores, AP Bio scores; course grades; Faculty uploaded spreadsheet with records of student grades for each year|Log-in as myself, check-off my courses that I am interested in analyzing

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