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Difference between version 17 and version 7:

At line 0 added 13 lines.
+ !!Intellectual Property and Copyright of Assessment Items
+ Copyrighted assessment item upload to the FIRST Assessment Database does not fall under the fair-use category. Permission to upload copyrighted items must be granted from individual copyright holders. For more information, review the notes from our [meeting|Copyright Notes] with the head copyright librarian at Michigan State University.
+ !Links
+ [Intellectual Property Rights|]\\
+ [Copyright, Intellectual Property Rights and Licensing Issues|]\\
+ [US Copyright Information|]\\
+ [MSU Copyright policy|]\\
+ [Fair use of copyrighted materials|]\\
+ [Creative Commons|]
+ ----
+ !IRB/FERPA issues and possible solutions
Line 8 was replaced by line 21
- |Data access|Multiple levels of access?\\Human mediated access to identifiable data|No?
+ |Data access|Multiple levels of access\\1. Access only to 'my' data\\2. Public data - available to anyone. At this time, public data will need to be vetted by a human|Yes

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