Difference between
version 17
version 15:
Line 2 was replaced by line 2 |
- Copyrighted assessment item upload to the FIRST Assessment Database does not fall under the fair-use category. Permission to upload copyrighted items must be granted from individual copyright holders. For more information, review the notes from our meeting with the head copyright librarian at Michigan State University. |
+ Copyrighted assessment item upload to the FIRST Assessment Database does not fall under the fair-use category. Permission to upload copyrighted items must be granted from individual copyright holders. For more information, review the notes from our [meeting|Copyright Notes] with the head copyright librarian at Michigan State University. |
Line 10 was replaced by line 10 |
- [Creative Commons|http://creativecommons.org/] |
+ [Creative Commons|http://learn.creativecommons.org/] |
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