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Difference between version 35 and version 27:

Line 4 was replaced by line 4
- |August 15, 2008|
+ |August 14-15, 2008|FIRST Assessment Database: Your Role|Inventions and Impact 2: Building Excellence in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education|NSF/AAAS CCLI PI Meeting|Washington, DC
Line 12 was replaced by lines 12-13
- |August 15, 2008|
+ |October 24, 2008|FIRST Assessment Database: Your Role|Department of Plant Biology|Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, MI
+ |August 14-15, 2008|Research on Teaching and Learning|NSF/AAAS CCLI PI Meeting|Washington, DC
Line 27 was replaced by line 28
- |''pending submission'' September 2008|Data Manager Library: Efficient data handling for heterogeneous scientific data|Environmental Information Management 2008|University of New Mexico|Albuquerque, NM
+ |September 2008|Data Manager Library: Efficient data handling for heterogeneous scientific data|Environmental Information Management 2008 [proceedings|]|University of New Mexico|Albuquerque, NM
Line 40 was replaced by line 41
- |July 31, 2008|Ellie Poley, Bridger Hamilton, Gabe Larriuz|
+ |July 31, 2008|Ellie Poley, Bridger Hamilton, Gabe Larriuz|Machine Recognition of Educational Assessments|Hope College|Holland, MI

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