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version 7:
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- |__Diane Ebert-May__ |(ebertmay at msu.edu) |Michigan State University |
- |__Matthew Jones__ |(jones at nceas.ucsb.edu) |National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, UC Santa Barbara |
- |__Ryan McFall__ | (mcfall at hope.edu) |Hope College |
- |__Mark Schildhauer__ |(schild at nceas.ucsb.edu) |National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, UC Santa Barbara |
- |__Mark Urban-Lurain__ |(urban at msu.edu) |Michigan State University |
- |__Everett Weber__ |(weberev at msu.edu) |Michigan State University |
+ |__Diane Ebert-May__ |(ebertmay at msu.edu) |Michigan State University | Principle Investigator |
+ |__Matthew Jones__ |(jones at nceas.ucsb.edu) |National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, UC Santa Barbara | Metadata Development and Database Design |
+ |__Ryan McFall__ | (mcfall at hope.edu) |Hope College | Faculty Interface Development |
+ |__Mark Schildhauer__ |(schild at nceas.ucsb.edu) |National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, UC Santa Barbara | Metadata Development |
+ |__Mark Urban-Lurain__ |(urban at msu.edu) |Michigan State University | Database Development and Faculty Interface Development |
+ |__Everett Weber__ |(weberev at msu.edu) |Michigan State University | Metadata Development, Database Management and Faculty Contact |
+ |
+ All members of the FIRST Assessment Database Development team are involved in metadata development. |
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