Difference between
version 15
version 10:
Line 2 was replaced by line 2 |
- * [Test Collection at the University of Chicago Library|http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/su/tests/] |
+ * [Bioliteracy: Biological concept inventory projects links to the Concept Assessment in Biology workshops (CAB)|http://bioliteracy.net] |
Removed line 4 |
- * [Research Experiences for Undergraduates at Hope College|http://www.cs.hope.edu/reu/] |
Lines 6-7 were replaced by lines 5-6 |
- * [Multiple-Institution Database for Investigating Engineering Longitudinal Development (MIDFIELD)at Purdue|https://engineering.purdue.edu/MIDFIELD/] |
- * [Bioliteracy: Biological concept inventory projects links to the Concept Assessment in Biology workshops (CAB)|http://bioliteracy.net] |
+ * [Multiple-Institution Database for Investigating Engineering Longitudinal Development (MIDFIELD) at Purdue|https://engineering.purdue.edu/MIDFIELD/] |
+ * [Research Experiences for Undergraduates at Hope College|http://www.cs.hope.edu/reu/] |
At line 8 added 1 line. |
+ * [Test Collection at the University of Chicago Library|http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/su/tests/] |
At line 9 added 1 line. |
+ |
At line 12 added 9 lines. |
+ !!Discipline-specific ontologies |
+ *[Biology|http://thesaurus.nbii.gov/portal/server.pt] |
+ *[Chemistry|http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/programme_rep_pres/tools/spectra.aspx] |
+ *[Physics|http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/Europe/reports/thes/8.5/draft01.html] |
+ *[Geoscience|https://www.seegrid.csiro.au/twiki/bin/view/CGIModel/ConceptDefinitionsTG] |
+ *Computer Science |
+ *Engineering |
+ *Mathematics |
+ |
Removed line 15 |
- * [National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis|http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu] |
At line 16 added 1 line. |
+ * [National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis|http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu] |
Removed line 20 |
- * [Mailing list|http://mercury.nceas.ucsb.edu/ecoinformatics/mailman/listinfo/first] __first at ecoinformatics.org__ |
At line 21 added 1 line. |
+ * [Mailing list|http://mercury.nceas.ucsb.edu/ecoinformatics/mailman/listinfo/first] __first at ecoinformatics.org__ |
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