Ecoinformatics site parent site of Partnership for Biodiversity Informatics site parent site of FIRST - Home





Difference between version 11 and version 10:

Line 2 was replaced by line 2
- * [Test Collection at the University of Chicago Library|]
+ * [Bioliteracy: Biological concept inventory projects links to the Concept Assessment in Biology workshops (CAB)|]
Removed line 4
- * [Research Experiences for Undergraduates at Hope College|]
Line 7 was replaced by line 6
- * [Bioliteracy: Biological concept inventory projects links to the Concept Assessment in Biology workshops (CAB)|]
+ * [Research Experiences for Undergraduates at Hope College|]
At line 8 added 2 lines.
+ * [Test Collection at the University of Chicago Library|]

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