david b. wilson

professor and chair
criminology, law and society
george mason university


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meta-analysis stuff

the material on this webpage is based on a book by Mark Lipsey and myself titled, Practical Meta-analysis, published by Sage in 2001. if you use these materials, please cite the book. if you use the macros, please cite the book and the macros. the macros should be cited as "Wilson, D. B. (date of version). Meta-analysis macros for SAS, SPSS, and Stata. Retrieved, month, day, year, from http://mason.gmu.edu/~dwilsonb/ma.html"

overheads from a professional development course on meta-analysis

if you are unfamiliar with zip files, you can download each presentation separately

spss, stata, and sas macros for performing meta-analytic analyses

screenshots of output from the spss macros

an online effect size calculator

a spreadsheet for calculating standardized mean difference type effect sizes (old version of calculator

links and files for Hebrew University Workshop

last updated on august 11, 2010 by david b. wilson