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- In a partnership with the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), we are building upon existing metadata standards (e.g., Ecological Metadata Language, IMS, Dublin Core) to define an extensible Educational Metadata Language (EdML). Such a tool provides a language to describe a wide variety of assessment data types and metadata about those assessments. This will enable assessments to be tagged based on taxonomies, standard psychometrics such as difficulty, discrimination, and other data to facilitate cross-study analyses.\\
+ In a partnership with the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), we are building on existing metadata standards (e.g., Ecological Metadata Language, IMS, Dublin Core) to define an extensible Educational Metadata Language (EdML). Such a tool provides a language to describe a wide variety of assessment data types and metadata about those assessments. This will enable assessments to be tagged based on taxonomies, standard psychometrics such as difficulty and discrimination, and other data to facilitate cross-study analyses.\\
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- We have begun the preliminary design work for the EdML and evaluation of EML, IMS and the NCEAS database tools to adapt them for our purposes. We continue to meet with the project metadata advisory committee to review draft documents and prepare the preliminary draft of the EdML standards. \\
+ We have begun preliminary design work for both the EdML and evaluation of EML, IMS and the NCEAS database tools to adapt them for our purposes. We continue to meet with the project metadata advisory committee to review draft documents and prepare the preliminary draft of the EdML standards. \\

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